
Visitors’ mooring fees and short term pontoon usage charges should be paid into the honesty box at the top of the pontoon. All other charges should be paid to the Secretary or Treasurer. Cheques should be made payable to Strachur Bay Moorings Association.


Pontoon Prices from 1st January 2018

Item Price
Association Annual Membership £40.00
Crown Estate Annual Rent per mooring £40.00
New Member Joining Fee £55.00
Annual Unlimited Pontoon Use for Moored Vessels £50.00
Annual Use of the Pontoon for Attachment of Dinghies £25.00
Annual Unlimited Pontoon Use for Launching and Recovery of Dinghies £10.00
Annual Unlimited Fishing Permit (per rod, not transferable) £15.00
Use of Shore Ramp – Annual Unlimited Use for members £15.00
Use of Shore Ramp by non members, launch and retrieve – per day £15.00
Short Term (up to 4 hours) stay on Pontoon (Non-members and members), per use £5.00
Visitors’ Mooring – per night (includes use of pontoon if required) £10.00
Overnight on Pontoon (by arrangement) – per night £12.00


Pontoon Fishing Permits

Fishing permits are available from PO/Shop, Filling Station, or SBMA Secretary.

Item Price
Minimum Charge for pontoon fishing permit, valid for a week £5.00
Seasonal Fishing Permit £15.00

Download sample fishing permit (word doc)


Permission to use the pontoon to Fish by rod or line, daylight hours only.

The pontoon is managed by Strachur Bay Moorings Association on behalf of the members and the community. It is run on a non profit making basis, but adequate funds must be raised for Public Liability Insurance, Crown Estate Licence, and Maintenance to ensure the sustainability of the facility.


Term and conditions of use:

  • Access to the facility is at your own risk, and although not mandatory, it is recommended that you wear a life jacket, especially when it is windy
  • You must defer to vessels during berthing or embarkation, and when rod fishing you must ensure nobody is at risk from your actions.
  • There must be no litter left on or in the vicinity of the pontoon, especially in relation to hooks or fish gut, scales etc
  • No fishing is permitted in the vicinity of the pontoon anchors or close to the dinghy trip lines. (Tel: 07810 710 112 if you require further details.)
  • No behaviour that amounts to disturbance of the peace will be tolerated. This includes the playing of loud music, swearing, or any other unsocial act.
  • Parking of vehicles on our set down area, must be done with care, and please avoid blocking access to the shore ramp marked by a yellow line.